
Edinburgh Napier University Construction Innovation Scholarships for UK Postgraduate Students

Construction Innovation Scholarships, funded by the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, are available to meet the costs of taught postgraduate fees at Edinburgh Napier University.


About Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Napier University is a public university in Edinburgh, Scotland. Napier Technical College, the predecessor of the university, was founded in 1964, taking its name from 16th-century Scottish mathematician and philosopher John Napier.

Edinburgh Napier University

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Edinburgh Napier University Postgraduate Scholarship

Aim and Benefits of Edinburgh Napier University Postgraduate Scholarship

Construction Innovation Scholarships are available to meet the costs of taught postgraduate fees at Edinburgh Napier University.

Requirements for Edinburgh Napier University Postgraduate Scholarship Qualification

These scholarships are open to UK students only. 

Available courses: Any taught MSc, provided you can demonstrate relevance in your studies to innovation in construction and the built environment.

You must be interested in leading innovation within construction and the built environment and willing to work in collaboration with an industry partner to develop solutions to construction challenges as part of your master’s studies. We can help match you with an industry partner. 

There are specific Construction Innovation Scholarship opportunities available for groups underrepresented in the construction industry, especially those identifying as women, BAME and/or with a disability, who meet one or more of these protected characteristics and live in Edinburgh, Fife, East Lothian, West Lothian, Midlothian and the Scottish Borders. 

Interview date, Process and Venue for Edinburgh Napier University Postgraduate Scholarship


Open to qualified British students studying full-time, part-time or via distance learning across a wide range of academic disciplines.

Application Deadline

Not Specified

How to Apply

Applications for this fund are not currently open; to register your interest please email Kirsty Connell-Skinner, HCI Skills Gateway Project Manager, at [email protected] to find out more.

For more details visit: Edinburgh Napier University website.

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